First Active 365


We deliver exceptional care from respectful, caring people who aim to add value to people’s lives 24/7 - 365 days a year

Frequently Asked Questions

How often do we get paid?

Payday is Friday every week, and your money will be in your account as long as you send the timesheet filled in correctly, and on time. If you miss the deadline stated on the timesheet it will go into the following week pay.

What settings do you cover?

We cover a variety of settings; Nursing homes, residential homes, private hospitals and hospitals within the NHS.

Do I need experience?

Yes. Paid experience for a minimum of 6 months is required to join the agency

What are your shift patterns?

Our shift patterns vary depending on the requirement of the client, but the most common shifts are; Early 07:00 – 13:00 or 08:00 – 14:00, Late 13:00 – 19:00 or 14:00 – 20:00, Long day 07:00 – 19:00 or 08:00 – 20:00, and a night shift which is 19:00 – 07:00 or 20:00 – 08:00

How do I fill in a timesheet?

 All the relevant information will be sent to you in your booking confirmation when you are placed into a shift. Your Employee number and grade will be on your ID Badge which will be sent out to you once you are compliant and ready to go. But if you are stuck with anything please do call in to the office on 03333 222 365 and ask any of the team for help. And alternatively you can see an example of a correctly filled in timesheet here (insert link of a completed timesheet)

Do I have to drive?

No driving is not a necessity. We have clients all over the UK so there will be many you can get to without a car, however some places will be in difficult locations where it would only be offered to drivers.

What is the joining process?

First of all there is a interview/screening process. If the recruiter thinks that you are an ideal candidate for the role, then they will send you an application form and a list of all the relevant supporting documents we need in order to get you compliant. Once you’ve gathered all the documents, you will be invited in to the office for us to check all of these over, and have them scanned on to our system. You will then be given your uniform and timesheets, and be set up with your log in details to our App where you can apply for shifts that are available!

When can I start?

That is all down to yourself! If you can gather all of the relevant documents and get them back to us tomorrow, then once we have your references back in we can get you straight out. We look forward to having you on board !

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